Nationally Published Innovator in DUI Defense
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Prioritizing Client Care Over "Case Management"
Snohomish County Minor in Possession Lawyer
Defending Against Minor in Possession Charges in Washington State
If someone under 21 years old drinks alcohol or has an alcoholic beverage on or near them in Washington State, they can be charged with a gross misdemeanor. Depending on the minor’s age, if they’re convicted of minor in possession and/or consumption (MIP or MIC), they can face jail time, fines, and/or a driver’s license suspension. If you or your child has been charged, discuss your case with a Snohomish County minor-in-possession lawyer as soon as possible.
DUIHeroes exclusively practices alcohol-related defense law, so we know how to defend against MIP/MIC charges in Washington State. Our firm’s founder, Attorney Jonathan Dichter, is a DUI defense leader who further studied alcohol-related criminal law after earning his law degree. He’s a nationally recognized authority on DUI defense, and his insights have been sought after by defense lawyers across the country. He’s also a certified field sobriety test instructor, making him a higher authority on field sobriety tests than most police officers.
In other words, DUIHeroes is the exact firm you need right now.
We’ll seek the best possible result on your behalf. Schedule a free, confidential consultation by calling our Lynnwood minor in possession attorneys at 1 (800) DUI-HERO.
Legal Implications of MIP/MIC in Snohomish County
RCW 66.44.270 is the law concerning MIP/MIC. In general, if the minor is with their parent or guardian, they’re not violating the law. Additionally, the MIP/MIC law doesn’t apply when the minor had or consumed alcohol for medical reasons, during religious services, or with a special permit.
According to the statute, the following is illegal:
- A person selling or supplying alcohol to a minor under 21 or allowing a minor to drink an alcoholic beverage in a home, building, vehicle, boat, or other structures.
- A minor under 21 years of age possessing, consuming, or getting alcohol in some way.
- A minor under 21 years of age, while somewhere public or in a vehicle, behaving in a way that suggests they drank alcohol.
When a minor’s breath smells like liquor, the law recognizes the following as signs of alcohol consumption: they have or are near a container with alcohol in it or that used to have alcohol in it, or they behave like they’re under the influence of alcohol, such as by slurring their words or lacking coordination.
Consequences of MIP Charges in Washington State
As mentioned earlier, MIP/MIC is a gross misdemeanor. If someone between 18 and 20 years of age is convicted, the court may sentence them to up to 1 year in jail and/or a fine of up to $5,000.
Minors between 13 and 17 years of age face different penalties. For a first conviction, the Washington State Department of Licensing will revoke their driver’s license until they turn 17 or for at least 1 year, whichever is later. A second conviction will result in a driver’s license revocation until the minor turns 18 or for at least 2 years, whichever is later. During the revocation period, the minor cannot drive, apply for a driver’s license or permit, or obtain a restricted license.
Contact Our Snohomish County Minor in Possession Attorney Today
If you or your child was charged with MIP and/or MIC, reach out to DUIHeroes. Our Snohomish County minor in possession attorneys, with over 30 years of combined experience, work together to fight for the best possible outcome in your situation. Thanks to our experience and skill, we average a 90% success rate getting alcohol-related charges dismissed or reduced. See for yourself—take a look at our case results as well as our client testimonials.
We will be your zealous advocates in and out of court. Speak with our Snohomish County minor in possession lawyers by calling 1 (800) DUI-HERO or contact us for a free consultation, and we’ll respond promptly.

"The vision of DUIHeroes is to change the way the public views individuals charged with a criminal offense. And, to change the way they view the criminal defense attorneys who ethically and professionally stand up for and defend the rights of those individuals every day, because those rights are guaranteed to every single one of us. No matter what."
- Founding Attorney, Jonathan Dichter

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